Article 5 : Salaat Janazah for muslims who committed suicide – Imaam al-Barbaharee, explained by Shaykh Fawzân
والصلاة على من مات من أهل القبلة سنة والمرجوم والزاني والزانية والذي يقتل نفسه وغيره من أهل القبلة والسكران وغيرهم الصلاة عليهم سنة
[40] « And the Funeral Prayer over the deceased Muslims (Ahlul-Qiblah) is a Sunnah : This includes the one who is stoned to death for adultery, the fornicating man and woman, the one who kills himself, and other than them from the People of Qiblah such as the drunkard and so on – praying the Funeral Prayer over them is a Sunnah. »
Explanation :
This is like as what has preceded : that the one who manifests Imaan and Islaam, then we pray the Funeral Prayer (Salaat Janazah) over him, and he is considered as being amongst Ahlul-Qiblah, and they are those who pray in the direction of the Ka’abah in Makkah. This is the Qiblah (direction of prayer) of the Muslims. We behave towards them based upon what is apparent, and we judge them to be Muslims. We treat them as Muslims, whether living or dead.