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Words of scholars

Article 6 : Astronomical calculation and the beginning of the lunar month – Shaykh AbdurRazzaq al Badr

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The hadith of Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet said :

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم) said, “We are an illiterate nation; we neither write, nor know accounts. […] »

(Sahih Bukhari 1913 / Sahih Muslim 2511)

His saying: « an illiterate nation », that is to say in the majority, at his time, the majority of the people didn’t write and didn’t count, and those who wrote and counted were present but few, and here it refers to the majority. Thus, his saying : « we are an illiterate nation », means that our majority doesn’t write nor read. And among the blessings/benefits of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is that He made the acts of worship very clear/easy to comprehend, even for the one who doesn’t write or read, meaning that it is not linked to things that requires reading or writing, but rather it is clear/explicit/precise things.

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Article 5 : Salaat Janazah for muslims who committed suicide – Imaam al-Barbaharee, explained by Shaykh Fawzân

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والصلاة على من مات من أهل القبلة سنة والمرجوم والزاني والزانية والذي يقتل نفسه وغيره من أهل القبلة والسكران وغيرهم الصلاة عليهم سنة

[40] « And the Funeral Prayer over the deceased Muslims (Ahlul-Qiblah) is a Sunnah : This includes the one who is stoned to death for adultery, the fornicating man and woman, the one who kills himself, and other than them from the People of Qiblah such as the drunkard and so on – praying the Funeral Prayer over them is a Sunnah. »

Explanation :

This is like as what has preceded : that the one who manifests Imaan and Islaam, then we pray the Funeral Prayer (Salaat Janazah) over him, and he is considered as being amongst Ahlul-Qiblah, and they are those who pray in the direction of the Ka’abah in Makkah. This is the Qiblah (direction of prayer) of the Muslims. We behave towards them based upon what is apparent, and we judge them to be Muslims. We treat them as Muslims, whether living or dead.

Read More »Article 5 : Salaat Janazah for muslims who committed suicide – Imaam al-Barbaharee, explained by Shaykh Fawzân

Article 4 : The descent of Allah – Shaykh Uthaymin

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Question :

The hadith about the descent of our Lord to the heaven of the dunia (this world) during the last third of the night ; and this every night. However, the last third of the night is different from one town to another and from one country to another, even if in every day we have these three durations. So does this means the He is always in the lowest heaven ?

Answer by shaykh Uthaymin :

We think Ô my brother that we will not move from our position which forbids us to talk about / enter in such things.

If you are in a country and during the last third of the night then have belief / be certain that Allâh descends to the lowest — of the dunia. And if you are in another country and not during the time (last third of the night), then there is no descent (of our Lord).

Read More »Article 4 : The descent of Allah – Shaykh Uthaymin

Article 3 : Insulting the companions – Shaykh Fawzan

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Question :

May Allah reward you, is insulting the companions and especially (Abu Bakr) the truthful and Umar, may Allah be pleased with them all, is disbelief ?

Answer :

Insult the companions or any of them is disbelief and hypocrisy. Only an hypocrite and a disbeliever can hate them. It is not permissible to hate them. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم) said :

Read More »Article 3 : Insulting the companions – Shaykh Fawzan

Article 2 : Rejecting a hadith – Shaykh Fawzan

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Question :

The one who doesn’t recognise the authenticity of the hadith about the treatment with the urine of camels because urine and drinking it is against the natural predisposition (al fitra). Not only the hadith about urine of camels but also the one about obeying the muslim governement even if it beats his back and takes his wealth, these ahadeeths are against the natural predisposition and are insulting Islam.

Answer by Sheikh Fawzan :

This one is a moulhid (atheist), the one who says this is a moulhid and a zindiq (heretic). He (tries to) refute the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم) and his speech is not accepted. It is mandatory to treat him as an apostate of the religion of Islam.

Read More »Article 2 : Rejecting a hadith – Shaykh Fawzan

Article 1 : Abu Bakr’s fatwa – Shaykh Souhaymi

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That is Abu Bakr the truthful, may Allah be pleased with him. The truthful, well guided Caliph!
He was asked about an affair, simple. In our time, if any of us would have been questioned, he would have issued a legal opinion (fatwa) directly, without hesitation.

(He was questioned) on the meaning of the word “fodder/grass”, in the speech of Allâh Subhânahou wa Ta’ālà:

وَفَاكِهَةً وَأَبًّا – 80:31

« And fruits and fodder, »

Read More »Article 1 : Abu Bakr’s fatwa – Shaykh Souhaymi