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Article 2 : Rejecting a hadith – Shaykh Fawzan

Question :

The one who doesn’t recognise the authenticity of the hadith about the treatment with the urine of camels because urine and drinking it is against the natural predisposition (al fitra). Not only the hadith about urine of camels but also the one about obeying the muslim governement even if it beats his back and takes his wealth, these ahadeeths are against the natural predisposition and are insulting Islam.

Answer by Sheikh Fawzan :

This one is a moulhid (atheist), the one who says this is a moulhid and a zindiq (heretic). He (tries to) refute the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم) and his speech is not accepted. It is mandatory to treat him as an apostate of the religion of Islam.

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